Tuesday, March 19, 2013

App Engine 1.7.6 Released

The App Engine team is continuing to make monthly improvements to our platform.  We have a number of new features and fixes for this month’s release.  

New App Engine billing system for paid applications

We’re making it easier to pay for App Engine each billing cycle by transitioning to a new billing system.  This change will happen automatically for billing-enabled applications, with no action required on your part.  With the new system you can now:
  • take advantage of monthly billing cycles
  • make a payment at any time during the month
  • specify direct debit as a form of payment
  • assign a primary and backup credit card

We’ll start moving applications to this new billing system over the next few weeks.  You don’t need to make any changes and the migration itself will be transparent.

Other notable features

  • Full Text Search API stats are now available in the admin console.  You can start viewing these stats in advance of being able to pay for additional search resources in an upcoming release.
  • We’ve added asynchronous methods, which is now in Preview, to the Task Queue API.  This feature improves utilization by allowing your app to add, lease and delete multiple tasks in parallel.
  • A major overhaul to the Python dev_appserver, the software used to simulate App Engine while in development. The new dev_appserver is multi-threaded, meaning development is faster, and provides a more accurate simulation of the production environment.
  • Admin console dashboard charts and current load/errors reports are moving to a new, more reliable backend over the next few weeks.
  • Improved support for Python libraries, with Django 1.4.2 and webob 1.2.3 now Generally Available.

The complete list of features and bug fixes for 1.7.6 can be found in our release notes. For App Engine coding questions and answers check us out on Stack Overflow, and for general discussion and feedback, find us on our Google Group.

-Posted by Chris Ramsdale, Product Manager


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It looks like you forgot to add a link to the download page, and on the download page you can only download 1.7.5 right now. Hope this will be fixed soon.

Unknown said...

quick update: you can download the latest version here, or sync it here using mercurial

Anonymous said...

Has the --use_sqlite option been retired?

"dev_appserver.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --use_sqlite"

Marco Aurelio Zoqui said...

several problems...
No debug on pydev issue: http://goo.gl/0bPtk

Command line arguments like address, -c not working...

t-unit said...

Do you know when it will be available for the Eclipse plugin? I only see 1.7.5 available there.

Inoks said...

Wrong link for the release notes, should be this: http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkReleaseNotes

Michael Martin said...

Why is lxml no longer included in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\lib

I use:

- name: lxml
version: latest

in my app.yaml

So I had to manually copy lxml into the appengine libraries for it to work.

Anonymous said...

i think to add a link the download page is good but how far it can go ?

Anonymous said...

i not sure whether add a link to the download page. Are we sure that link can go far ?

Kevin said...

Losing the ability to debug in Eclipse/PyDev with GAE 1.7.6 is really annoying.... I had to revert back to old_dev_appserver.py for the time being.