Wednesday, January 12, 2011

App Engine team appearances Winter 2011

The Google App Engine team has launched some significant features recently, including: High Replication Datastore, Channel API, Always On, Warm Up requests, longer 10-minute (vs. 30-second) limit for tasks, and increased API call sizes. We are excited about these features and think you will be too, so team members will be appearing at a variety of events around the world this Winter to talk about some of these features and the platform as a whole!

One of the marquee events this quarter includes PyCon, the largest gathering of Python developers from around the world, where several App Engine team members will be speaking:

Winter 2011 event appearances:

  • Jan 18 - ICT Meet Ethiopia 2011 - Addis Ababa - Richard Ngamita
  • Jan 22 - Google Hackathon (Year One Labs) - Montréal - Sean Lynch
  • Feb 1-3 - Strata - Santa Clara - Patrick Chanezon
  • Feb 14-16 - Jfokus - Stockholm - Patrick Chanezon
  • Feb 17-18 - Developer Summit - Tokyo - Takashi Matsuo
  • Feb 28-Mar 4 - Game Developers Conference - San Francisco - Ikai Lan, Alfred Fuller
  • Mar 7-10 - CloudConnect - Santa Clara - Chris Schalk
  • Mar 9-17 - PyCon - Atlanta - Guido van Rossum, Wesley Chun, Ikai Lan, Brett Slatkin, Alfred Fuller
  • Mar 11-15 - SXSW - Austin - Sean Lynch, Greg D'alesandre
  • Mar 28-31 - Int'l WWW Conference - Hyderabad - Patrick Chanezon, Rajdeep Dua

If these aren't close enough to you, keep an eye out on this list as we'll add new events as they materialize. There is also a separate calendar for events featuring other Google products/APIs. For App Engine, look for posts like this throughout the year. We look forward to meeting you in 2011!

Posted by Wesley Chun, Google App Engine team


Unknown said...

I really wish the App Engine Team could make an appearance in Australia. There are just so many questions I'd love to ask an actual person.

Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shane - We've got a bunch of the App Engine team based in Sydney so if there's an event we should be at, let us know!

Jack said...

We guys in Taiwan love GAE, so please let us know if you're coming this year.

Anonymous said...

You love Groovy and you're a believer in cloud computing. For a larger project you might choose Grails and hosting on Amazon EC2, but what if you want to take advantage of the nearly massless deployments of a cloud provider like the Google App Engine? You could make Grails work, but it's not always the best fit. Web Application Specialist Tim Berglund is coming to Bangalore this April to speak on GAELYK at India’s Great Indian Developer Summit which is to be held from 19 to 22 April, 2010 at IISC Campus, Bangalore.

Gaelyk is a lightweight Groovy web application framework built specifically for the Google App Engine. In this session, he'll talk through the simple abstractions it offers, then show how easy it is to code and deploy a useful application to the cloud.

For further information on GIDS 2011, please visit the summit on the web

Unknown said...

Jack, my family is in Taiwan. I might visit sometime this year. Are you connected with the GTUGs in Taipei?