Friday, February 11, 2011

App Engine 1.4.2 SDK - API Updates and Additions Edition

It’s only February and we’re already at our second release for the year! Today’s SDK release, 1.4.2 focuses on improving and updating a few existing App Engine APIs.

Improved XMPP API to help applications better interact with users. Notifications are sent when users sign in and out and when their status changes, and the application can now set presence details to be returned to the user. Subscription and Presence notifications are enabled as inbound services in the application configuration.

Task Queue performance and Task Queue API improvements. First, we’ve increased the maximum rate at which tasks can be processed to 100 tasks/second. Applications can also specify the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed per queue in their queue’s configuration file. This can help you more easily manage how many resources your task queue is consuming. We’ve also added an API that allows you to programmatically delete tasks, instead of managing this manually from the Admin Console.

As always, there are more features and issue fixes such as support for JAX-WS complete with a new article on how to build SOAP enabled App Engine apps, as well as support for Django 1.2, so be sure to read the release notes for Java and Python. We’ve also updated the App Engine Roadmap with a few new projects so take a look. And if you have any feedback, please visit the App Engine Groups.

Posted by the App Engine Team


Unknown said...

Django 1.2 now, Python 2.7 in the future, nice =)

Pratik said...

thanks for the release of this xmpp api! This was strongly needed for the survival of

Unknown said...

https on custom domains?

Alvin said...

What about soap on Python? There are some Google API's that require soap.

Chris Lacy said...
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Chris Lacy said...

I'm with Fraser. For my money, https on custom domains is the single biggest feature missing from AppEngine ATM.

Anonymous said...

By the way: check out the Permissions tab on the Admin Console. New feature: Role dropdown! Owner, Developer, Viewer.

George Moschovitis said...

Kind of underwhelming, but the updated road map looks promising! hopefully the planned features will land soon.

iki said...

Appreciate the progress and python 2.7 support on the road. Thanks!

Cloned GAE 1.4.2 python SDK on github for simple inclusion in your project as a git submodule:

Diego Fincatto said...

The GAE plugin for eclipse is very useful, but, when we are working on teams, is very difficult to update versions. How about a maven plugin???

iki said...

I don't use eclipse, but maybe some script that downloads the plugin (or uses a git repo with current plugin version) and registers it with eclipse (or updates it in eclipse plugins location if needed) could help.

Anonymous said...

nice release.....luck..

Unknown said...

OMG, I can now vacuum datastore indexes with the Java SDK! Awesome!!!

Also the ability to programmatically delete queue tasks is something I was loking for.

Nice release. Thanks!

Suvash said...

Nice work....I will love to see Full text feature in next release :).

Suvash said...

*Full Text search

DF said...

Would anyone be willing to summarize the Django-on-app-engine world again?

If I Google, there are so many out of date articles or stackoverflow questions pointing to abandoned projects.

Google wrote an article about django-nonrel. What are the major differences between using the django 1.2.6 release and django-nonrel on app engine?

Unknown said...

I'd like to second the request for more specifics on implementing Django 1.2.6 on GAE. Is there a sample app available? There are so many different Django GAE examples and projects out there that it is not clear (at least to me) what needs to be done to get 1.2.6 implemented.

John Best said...

Just going to add my voice to the "need to give clear guidance on django".

Non-python developers might well find it very hard to get started, as they have to spend a while trying to work out what solution is 'best'.

(I personally decided to skip the django part, as I wanted to get started making things)

DF said...

Let me give examples of the Django thing. Probably with 1.2.6, you get:

- app engine models, not Django models
- hence no Django admin interface

But what about using other Django "apps" (e.g., user login package)?

And what about testing (through or internationalization? No?